The application of 3rd party certification programme in Malaysia
A 3rd party Certificate Authority (CA) issues Digital Certificates which are used for identity verification and are used in a variety of scenarios, such as e-mail protection, secure websites and online shopping carts and more. For instance, when a customer is making a payment online, they are required to provide their credit card information and they will need to be assured that their confidential information is secure. Digital Certificate that are issued by trusted 3rd party CAs provide verification that your Website does indeed represent your company, thereby verifying your company's identity.  MSC Trustgate.com Sdn Bhd is a licensed Certification Authority (CA) operating within the Multimedia Super Corridor and it is licensed under the Digital Signature Act 1997 (DSA). MSC Trustgate was incorporated in 1999 to meet the increasing need for secure open network communications and become the catalyst for the growth of e-commerce, both locally and across the ASEAN region. Trustgate’s core business is to provide digital certification services, including digital certificates, cryptographic products, and software development. MSC Trustgate provides businesses with various kinds of products and services. Some of the examples are SSL certificate, personal ID and My Kad ID. SSL certificate for internet, intranet and server security. When customer conduct business online, they want to make sure that they are dealing with trusted parties ensure that their information traveled over the Internet reaches the intended recipients and is safe from intruders.
Digital ID for secure transactions, documents & e-mails. Each day there were millions of business transaction being carried out over the unsecured network and normally contain of highly confidential information such as credit card details, customer particulars, pricing information, trade agreements, or even business strategies. Such information can be easily viewed or changed in transit if not properly encrypted. Therefore, To ensure your confidential information remains private in transit, you need to use Digital ID to sign & encrypt your transactions. Digital ID is an electronic credentials that uses private key and public key to facilitate various kinds of operations such as authentication, privacy, authorization, integrity, and non-repudiation.
MyKad PKI (MyKey). MyKad with PKI capability allows its holder to conduct online transaction with government agencies and private sectors.MyKey, is the MyKad PKI solution that works with your physically MyKad, allowing you to authenticate yourself online and to digitally sign documents or transactions and is accepted by the Malaysian government.
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